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WFWP UK Birmingham: Interfaith Peace Service

Around 140 people gathered in the Prayer Hall of the Al Mahdi Institute in Selly Oak,

Birmingham to emphasise the importance of coming together in our troubled world,

recognising Interfaith Harmony Week. We represented so many faiths, cultures,

races, ages and different social backgrounds. The event was so beautiful, and we

really felt the presence of the Divine. About 80% of the participants were women,

many of them from our Women’s Peace Group.

The Mayor of Solihull, Cllr Shahin Ashraf MBE, graced the occasion with her

presence, and gave opening remarks of encouragement to everyone. The West

Midlands Police Crime Commissioner, Simon Foster, spoke about the valuable

contribution which our faith communities are making in the region, helping to prevent

violence and promoting stability in our society.

After readings and prayers by women from seven different faith traditions, and a very

nice song, written and performed by Tom Pritty, Pastor Rotimi Benjamin (Christian),

Ruth Jacobs (Jewish), Dr Monaa Khurana (Hindu) and Kaleem Hussain (Muslim)

shared their sincere perspectives on our theme ‘ Love for God, Love for Humanity,

Love for Nature’. We concluded with Julia McHugh sing ‘Make Me a Channel of Your


Everyone moved to the dining room where we spent an hour or so enjoying food and

refreshments, filling the room with chatting, discussion and laughter, with love and

harmony radiating everywhere, especially from Shahin and Simon who spoke, and

took numerous pictures, with many of us. It was hard to end the meeting, as no one

seemed to want to leave! Thank you to everyone for all your valuable contributions.


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