Event to recognise the value, and contribution, of people of faith to the process of healing
and reconciliation.
A full house of about 90 people gathered to hear several talks on the topic of ‘Healing
our Broken World – The Voice of Faith’, recognising the importance of Interfaith
Harmony Week at a time of great challenge, in our troubled world.
Our speakers were : Nila (Hindu) a social worker, Shari (Christian) working with
refugees and asylum seekers, and Rev Marcia (Christian) a Prison Chaplain. Finally
Reem (Muslim), from Gaza, spoke about the resilience of the people there, and how their faith in God allows so many of them to deal with the terrible reality of their desperate circumstances. One theme in all the talks was the need for us to be healed, in order to become healers ourselves, to find our true value through the love
we receive - from God, as a person of faith, or from our family and friends.
There was a time of sharing from the floor, a beautiful song from Julia (On This House Your Blessing Lord), prayers from seven different traditions, and then a poignant few minutes of candle-lit silent reflection.
Afterwards, we enjoyed food and refreshments together, making and renewing friendships,