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WFWP UK - Birmingham celebrating the end of 2024

On Wednesday December 11 th , we held a Women’s Peace Meeting in my home, to

celebrate the end of the year. Five amazing women shared their stories. Sulhiya

described the life of a refugee. Alicia explained about her work helping women and

children with trauma. Audreia described the many difficulties in her life, and how she

had developed the capacity to forgive. Japjit spoke about providing character

education for children in schools. Then Temby described her work with homeless

people. All of this provoked much deep sharing from many of us, and was followed

by a time of reflection, prayers and poems. Two songs were offered, and then we

concluded by enjoying some lovely food, much of it home-made, which gave us time

to chat, and make new friends, talking together late into the evening. Thanks to all

who made it such a special occasion.


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