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WFWP Malta - helping Ana Caruana's 'Mission Gambia Malta'

A fuil morning of solid work in the scorching mediterranean sun (temperature touching 40°) was spent helping Ana Caruana's 'Mission Gambia Malta' to load a 40foot container with clothing, school furniture, toys, shoes and food to be sent to Gambia in the coming days. People came from.all over Malta to donate for this cause. A committed team of around 20 men and women came together to participate in this non- stop, sweat workout for charity.

Anthony Custo and Myrabelle Corlett represented UPF and WFWP Malta on this humanitarian project.

In six hours straight the 40foot container was tightly filled to capacity. A clear example of a miracle of ' Faith in Action '. Well Done Ana Caruana and precious volunteers.

Myrabelle Corlett

Chairperson WFWP Malta


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