Online Conference in Italian 6 feb 2024 03:00 PM
Event to celebrate the Intereligious Harmony week showing that Religious people are
working for Peace and do not want the war. To let the people know women who gave
their contribution to the purpose of peace, and to show what Mrs Moon the founder
of WFWP did for peace.
Every religious leaders, brought a special example and considerations on the work
for peace keeping the attention of the audience. Everybody was so moved listening
to all the speakers, and Elisabetta Nistri received a lot of congratulations for the
atmosphere of inspiration and hope that she was able to create with this event.
Elisabetta Nistri used this opportunity to talk about the life and accomplishment of
Mrs Moon, from the time at young age when she met Rev. Moon until now that she is
leading all the Organitations for Peace founded together. Elisabetta Nistri closed the
conference recalling the attention on the common values that emerged from the
speeches that remind us that we are all brothers and sisters and therefore is still
possible to build a world of peace with God’s Help in this Era.