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The Philosophy of Peace of UPF and WFWP: Spiritual Values and Principles was

the framework and the general theme with which UPF Italy and WFWP Italy co-

sponsored a first seminar of in-depth study and sharing with a group of peace

ambassadors. 14 guests present; among them ministers of faith, university professors,

lawyers, psychotherapists and psychologists, all of them connected and supporters of

the UPF and WFWP initiatives.

In her opening greeting, Elisabetta Nistri, president of WFWP Italy, reported on the

recent annual congress of WFWP Europe which took place in Warsaw and which was

attended by more than 100 women leaders from all over Europe, Africa and the

Middle East. The meeting addressed important topics concerning women's rights with

particular attention to those countries or situations where they are most trampled on,

which created great solidarity among all the participants. There were also many

messages of hope, resilience and above all proactive interventions that indicated what

we can do by working on ourselves to contribute to peace and shared well-being.

This was followed by the greeting and a first presentation of UPF Italy by President

Carlo Zonato who illustrated the status of UPF Italy, its mission and its goals, as well

as a summary of UPF's founding principles and the projects that have developed in

recent years. He explained the objective of the meeting by directly involving the

guests to give us their reflections, any questions or suggestions, also in view of the

subsequent seminars.

Giuseppe Calì was the main speaker in the two sessions that followed one another

during the morning. Referring to the Unification Thought, the first session was

dedicated to the "Nature of God and the Original Nature of Man" with a propositional

analysis that passed transversally from Science to Religion. the second was developed

on the theme: "The Heart is the origin of everything and also the end, because it is the

essence of God and his deepest character". In this second part, the value of the couple

and the family as an essential basis for peacebuilding was developed.

The seminar was followed with deep interest and attention by all those present who

amply expressed their reflections, questions and suggestions in the afternoon part that

followed the lunch, and concretely confirmed their interest in continuing these

training experiences.


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