Event to help people to understand the risks we can face in the future if we will not be able
to guide and control all the future development of I.A.
Elisabetta Nistri president of WFWP Italy opened the conference reporting on the last
event that has been held in the Peace Embassy in February, the meeting of Directory
Board of WFWP Europe. She reported about the topic that has been discussed and
the spirit of cooperation between all the participants. Giuseppe Calì president of UPF
South Europe exposed the analysis of History regarding the research for The Spiritual
growth and Truth and for the external wellbeing. The result is that now there is an
urgent need taking ownership on the use of IA considering the benefit and risks and
of course there is the need of including etic value on it use.
All the guests attended with great interest and shared their ideas and reflections with
the desires to follow future events on similar topics