This was the theme of the seminar that took place on 29 September at the Embassy of Peace, promoted by WFWP and UPF, and saw the following speakers: Giuseppe Calì, coordinator of UPF Southern Europe, Elisabetta Nistri,
President of WFWP Italy, Evaldo Cavallaro psychotherapist, Maria Barbarisi criminologist.
In the meeting, emphasis was placed on the strong push that is given to put the individual above the whole, to promote the individual and all his needs because this enriches the market.
The individual consumes, the family instead tends to save and
think about welfare through the family sharing of goods.
But a society made up of individuals who think only of their
exclusive personal interest is not a functional society, man is a
social being and the family can be the place where harmonious
relationships are cultivated, where correct behavior is learned.
The same family structure could be applied on a larger scale to
the management of a company, in which the manager thinks
about the well-being of the whole and not just personal profit.
Collaboration makes us all happier, individualism leads us to be
alone and dissatisfied.
In family dynamics, flexibility can be useful, for example in the
role of parents. There are schools of thought that indicate the
role of the NORMATIVE parent as fundamental, others refer
instead to the AFFECTIVE role of the parent. The wisdom of
parents should lead to understanding when it is more appropriate
to use one behavior or the other.
On the other hand, if the couple's relationship is based only on
the relationship and the care of the children, one can fall into the
syndrome of the empty nest when the children leave home. A
situation of passivity in the couple does not help, it is better to
face the problem than to hide it, even conflict can be an
opportunity for growth and development of a deeper
relationship, through flexibility, emotional commitment, the
ability to find a compromise and accept the peculiarities of the