On march 10th WFWP Denmark supported by WFWP Sweden commemorated the International Day of Women. This year UN has the motto "Invest in women: Accelerate Progress" which also was a good motto for our gathering.
A special guest this time was Noriko Ohagi, a volunteer from Okayama, Japan who invested her energy and time in Denmark for over 20 years by coming almost every year to support activities in Denmark. Her daughter is now married and lives in the southern part of Sweden. Noriko shared about how her work in Denmark also became an inspiration to start a nursing home in her hometown.
Both Kaori Neergaard (Denmark)and Britta Houston (Sweden) shared about recent WFWP activities in the EUME Region and overall plans for 2024. Again, we could celebrate the strength of working together as a team across the water dividing the countries.