Thanks to our partners from Japan and Ukrainians abroad, integration events "East and West Together took place in the capital of Poland. Students of 9-10 grades and teachers of the Warsaw Ukrainian School, members of the Ukrainian Women's Club at the Ukrainian House, visitors to the Multicultural Center and the Ukrainian Educational Hub became part of the intercultural initiative. About 200 people took part in the events. Everyone was able to touch the art of Oriental culture. Director of the
"Thousand Cranes" foundation Mrs. Nobuko Omori prepared a presentation about the modern culture of Korea and Japan. Being a master of calligraphy, she wrote the participants names and explained their meaning. Mrs. Nobuko's maternal heart seeks to help Ukrainian people overcome difficulties during the
war. It is no coincidence that her son is also an active volunteer in Japan and abroad. He taught how to make spring flowers, cranes, Japanese samurai helmets using origami and kirigami techniques. Together with the representative of the Sun Culture Center Satoko Shibata, the participants played traditional Japanese games. The winners chose pleasant surprises for themselves.