On Friday 16th, 2015 WFWP-Spain held the first round table of a cycle of conferences under the theme “The Cornerstones for Peace”. The title of this round table was ‘The Role of Love in Human Beings’ lives’. We invited 4 speakers, representative of different organizations, to share their views and experience.
Miryan Wodnik, Director of Platform SePazConCiencia Rosa Briones, Director of the Training Center in the Method TRCD (Damun Corporal Balancing Technics) Guillermo Simó, National Coordinator Member of Brahma Kumaris Association Enrique Sánchez Motos, Director of the Project ‘Encounters with Love’
The presentations were different in terms of their approaches: some from a psychological and therapeutic angle; or focusing more human spirituality; or more rational trying to explain the different concepts involved.
It’s important to highlight the fact that the speakers managed to create harmony among them and contributed to a whole and complete understanding about ‘Love’.
There was a lot to learn and we felt the need we all have to understand what love really is. Once again we are very thankful to all who made this gathering possible.
ASOCIACIÓN DE MUJERES POR LA PAZ MUNDIAL Ronda de Segovia 50 28005 Madrid 91 366 0068 ampm@wfwp-spain.orgwww.wfwp-spain.org