On Tuesday 27th October, WFWP Scotland/UK restarted the monthly coffee morning after 3 months’ summer break. We invited Mumtaz Unis, the chair of “i women” and the development officer for Ethnic minorities at RNIB, as a speaker. She gave an informative, beneficial talk using her computer screen. She started her talk asking women about “Deaf action”. She explained about 4 types of eyesight loss:macular degeneration, cataract, glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy. She prepared special glasses for people to put on. Through wearing them we could experience different sight loss situations. She said that over 50% of sight loss could be avoided. In her talk, she also explained about hearing loss. 2 main causes of hearing loss come from noise and age. 40% of people over 50 and 70% of those over 70 experience hearing loss. One of the women present had experienced an cataract operation. As people had a lot of opinions and questions, active conversations continued with drinks and snacks until the end.
Reported by Keiko Fraser-Harris WFWP Scotland/UK