On 12 October 2015, WFWP Italy and UPF Italy held a meeting entitled: ‘Building Peace: from Peace within yourself to World Peace’. It took place at the at the Peace Embassy in Rome. The meeting was organized by Dr. Evaldo Cavallaro, a psychologist and psychotherapist and Peace Ambassador, together with Elisabetta Nistri, WFWP President, and Giuseppe Cali, UPF President. The participants were: Chiara Gambino, Adriana Vitale, Sandra Siciliano, Laura Lombardozzi, Umberto Angelucci and Victoria Chioma, plus about 20 guests.
It was a very informal meeting, because each and every speaker expressed their own experiences on the theme, fully opening their heart and sharing their difficulties, struggles and realizations in the path towards conquering inner peace and peace among all people. Umberto Angelucci’s speech - UPF Director in the Middle East - was about the difficulty of speaking of peace in such countries where, due to conflicts, people have been suffering for many years and bear deep wounds that are hard to heal. Yet the only solution is to overcome resentment and reach a state of peace.
Elisabetta Nistri presented the goals and activities of WFWP and shared her personal experience saying that sometimes even in the family there might be conflict, tension and misunderstanding; in such moments she has found great help by praying, talking to God, and understanding that God is the greatest psychologist. Dr. Evaldo Cavallaro led the meeting very well with humour and sympathy!
The meeting went on with lots of chatting and good company during dinner.
Reported by Elisabetta Nistri WFWP Italy