WFWP Linz, Austria, ‘Loving Mother Earth, Linz, 27 June 2015: “At the beginning of the event a documentary titled: "For the next 7 Generations" was shown. After this an exchange session with debate took place. The film is about 13 tribal elder indigenous grandmothers from the USA, South America, India, Nepal, Tibet and Gabon – some are healers or therapists who meet to forge an alliance: "The International Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers". They feel that they have to share their vision of a world that really works before it’s too late. They find strength in prayer and reconciliation.
In Linz, 13 participants, including 2 grandmothers and 1 grandfather were present. In the discussion, an unanimous agreement became obvious regarding the importance of rituals, of the water, the returning to work with the Earth (Mother Earth), the use of medicinal herbs and the need food in their own gardens as it was shown in the movie.
Mrs. Marion Ettl introduced the following interesting project:
Impulse to the active and loving liberation of "Mother Earth"
For people, who own a piece of Land or a garden and want to offer some space for life supporting and creative activities.
For people who, in peaceful coexistence and responsibility, want to create places with sense of well-being.
* Revitalize underused garden spaces
* Support people who are overstrained with their own garden.
* To give People, who have no gardens the opportunity to experience gardening and reaping fruits.
* Learn new appreciation for nature / ground / earth.
* To create a network of regional private Peace Gardens for the exchange of knowledge and plants.
* Networking nationwide with beautifully arranged gardens
Communication Platform: https://www.facebook.com/frauenfriedensgaerten?ref=hl "
Reported by Therese Heitzinger WFWP Linz, Austria