WFWP Italy held this conference in the EU Parliament in Rome, Italy, on 18 March 2015. It took place under the theme ‘The Role of Education to form a balanced leadership’. Its purpose was to promote the education of ethical values in schools. Elisabetta Nistri sent us this report from WFWP Italy: The event took place in the flag room in the offices of the European Parliament in Italy. This is the fourth event that WFWP Italy has held adhering to the “Europe is for Women” initiative that the European parliament promotes every year. This year we received a very special welcome from Dr. Caterini, a representative of the European parliament, and every guest was offered a ‘welcome-coffee’. There were many participants, around 70 people, including leaders of associations, representatives of institutions, teachers and educators, The Nigerian Ambassador for the Holy See, and representatives of the Ecuadorian and Swedish Embassies. A special thanks to the On. Maria Gemma Azuni, the Vice President Vicount of the Capitoline Assembly who had read the message from Mayor Marino. Present were: Donatina Persichetti - President of the Lazio Region Femminine Consult, who spoke about the importance for women to break the stereotype, to be able to express their true and unique nature. Proffessor Gavello - General Secretary of UNEDUCH, who spoke about the importance of education of women, as in many countries women do not have the right to be educated. He reminded us of the courage of Malala Yousafzai, and the terrible situations in which women and children are placed, sold as wives, in some parts of the world. Victoria Chioma Ezewoko - cultural mediator, she spoke to us about Nigeria, about the importance of school education for all girls and women, because this brings knowledge about health for them and for their children, good will to the family, prosperity and growth. Giuseppe Calì - Honorary President of the UPF. He spoke about the confusion of values we are observing worldwide at this time and about the necessity of clear reference points as well as about the role of Ambassadors for Peace in the UPF as resolvers of conflicts. Elisabetta Nistri - President of the WFWP, made an important analysis that education has always resided in history, but also of the necessity of moral goals and universal values towards the education of young people, so that they in the future can make wise choices and become balanced leaders. So, it is necessary that the technical, scientific and professional formation is accompanied by an adequate ethical maturity.