A report by Ľubica Magnússon from WFWP Slovakia about their recent initiative to introduce teachers to the ‘Free Teens’ Program:
“On November 7, 2014 the Women Federation for World Peace Slovakia organised a half-day seminar on the topic "Risky sexual behaviour of young people." It was the second event on this topic. The first one was held in March 2014.20 primary and secondary school teachers as well as two university students came to this seminar. Overall, the event was attended by 40 guests and WFWP members. Our aim was to introduce the ‘Free Teens’ program to those teachers who were not fa,miliar with it yet, and also give them the opportunity to become ‘Free Teens’ lecturers in the future to be able to teach this program themselves, even to offer a possibility to create a working group which will deal with the curriculum of teaching sexual and family education and implementation of EU, WHO documents in our legislative.The ‘Free Teens’ program was presented by our ‘Free Teens’ lecturers Mgr. Marcela Magušinová, Mgr. Richard Veres and a medical doctor Marcela Rozehnalová from Prague, who has been working in the field of youth character and sexual education already for 18 years. Teachers listened to presenters and finally asked many questions on this topic. From their questions as well as from their questionnaires completed at the end we could see their deep interest in this issue. We could also feel that the workshop was not only about young people but as well about us, parents and educators. All of the teachers wanted ‘Free Teens’ programs to be presented in their school, 13 of them would like to become ‘Free Teens’ lecturers, as well as more than half of them would like to participate in the working group. Next year we are planning to continue in these activities, work with teachers and organise a 'Free Teens' workshop for lecturers.”