Date: 17.September.2014By. Jimin Park "Today, I attended an interesting event related to the topic of the family. The representatives from the mission of Italy, Namibia, China, UNICEF, UN committee on the rights of the children, etc. brought their heads together to discuss on the issue of the family breakdown due to the poverty. We are living in the era when the lifestyle of the people is more abundant than any other time. However, there still lies a big problem with the poverty and often this issue affects the children mostly. The children are then related to the family because they grow under the careful nurturing of the parents and under the shield of the love from the family. Ms. Maria Herczog, the member of the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child, said “the state parties have to provide all possible form of support to fulfill the parenting and child rearing obligations”. I think that it is one of the most important steps towards the prevention of the family breakdown due to poverty. Furthermore, she also assured the need of political commitment as well as the importance of the long-term vision. It is absolutely true that the problem we face is not something we can solve in a decade or so. It is a continuous fight which requires a lot of effort on a long-term base. There were several other proposed solutions by the panelists as well as the programs that have been applied already; Pension system, medical and employment ensuring system as well as education for children (China), the legislations to protect the children from their right to have relationship with both parents (Namibia), EU investing in children (UN), increasing daycare center, free distribution of medicine (Brazil federal program), etc. Mr. Amedeo Trambajolo, the Deputy Permanent Representative of the Mission of Italy, mentioned that “we need to dream our future in order to build it but the poverty deprives the children of the possibility of dreaming”. In fact, ‘Children are the future’ is common phrase that people all know. Without the stable family, the children cannot flourish, and without the children, our future cannot be bright. The family is indeed the cornerstone for the prosperous world because that’s where the peace, love and hope reside."