WFWP Italy participated at this conference at the Seven Days Adventist Church in Rome. It took place under the theme "The New Italian Born abroad: equal but different" - with the purpose of understanding and embracing the reality of immigrants, and to provide assistance. It was organised by the Federation of Evangelical Churches in Italy and took place on 7 June 2014. The conference featured the following speakers: Dora Bognandi, Director of the Public Affairs and Religious Freedom Department Hanz Guttierrez, Professor of Theology at the Italian Adventist Theological Seminary IACB in Florence Silvia Pelliccia, Mayor’s representative for multiculturalism - Municipality of Rome Franco Pittau, IDOS Study and Research Center / Immigration Statistical Dossier Dafne Marzioli, Service for Refugees and Migrants, Federation of Evangelical Churches in Italy Elisabetta Nistri, President of WFWP – Women’s Federation for World Peace – Italy The speakers analysed the presence of many immigrants ( 5,000,000 foreigners in Italy) from different points of view: some consider it an opportunity, others a danger, and for everybody it surely represents a challenge. Hosting various foreign communities (40% of its members are foreigners), the Seventh-day Adventist Church has already a wide experience of welcome and integration. For many immigrants the Church becomes a place for aggregation, a benchmark, and an opportunity for social improvement; in fact, whereas in the society even people with several degrees (especially foreigners) must make do with humble jobs, inside the Church everybody can express themselves and be in the position to give their very best. Next challenge will be to achieve the same integration with the rest of society. Elisabetta Nistri introduced the purposes of WFWP, which are based on the conviction that now it is time for women, following their natural inclination to care for other people’s needs, to stand together with men and give their important contribution to the resolution of social problems, with the vision of the world as a Big Global Family. For this to happen, women should achieve the recognition of their rights, and unite together overcoming all cultural, racial and religious barriers. In particular, since 2012 Doctor and Mrs. Moon, founders of WFWP, have proposed the establishment of an international global network, GWPN, among all the women’s volunteer organizations and NGOs, because very often, by working directly in the field, they are much more efficient than governments in taking responsibility for social problems and trying to heal them. The women attending the conference, were particularly pleased to hear about WFWP, an organization which promotes the value of women, without any antagonism toward men, and under God’s guidance. You can watch the video at :