WFWP Italy held this meeting to help immigrants access healthcare and to integrate into society.
It took place in the S.Camillo Hospital in Rome and was cooperation with the Nigerian Women Association, on 24 May 2014.The title was ‘ How to keep healthy at any age”. Please see this report by Elisabetta Nistri: “A Christian minister opened the meeting with a prayer and expressed to everybody his deep concern for the situation of the young girls abducted in Nigeria. Representatives of Nigerian Associations, including Dr. Marguerita Lottin, Dr. Vittoria Chioma and the Counsellor at the Nigerian Embassy, expressed their desire to organize a march in Rome to sensitise public opinion. Elisabetta Nistri, President of WFWP, confirmed her cooperation and participation in the initiative, and assured that the event will be highlighted at our UN office. In her speech, President Nistri introduced WFWP purposes and activities and underlined the importance of women’s role in caring for the health of the family; in fact mothers are those who generally take care of children’s education and healthy habits. She also said that taking care of our physical aspects is not enough to lead a happy and healthy life; problems causing diseases sometimes are the result of stress, worries, dissatisfaction, and lack of healthy purposes in life. Therefore, it is also necessary to take into consideration people’s feelings, helping the youth to find constructive purposes for their lives, thereby preventing them to fall prey to drugs, alcohol, and other deviant behaviours. After these presentations, the doctors and operators of S. Camillo hospital illustrated the services offered by the city, listened to the questions of the audience, and tried to give an answer to everyone.” Elisabetta Nistri WFWP Italy - President