Parisa Nagy, President of WFWP Hungary, sent us this report about their recent workshop under the theme ‘Femininity, Divinity, Creativity’:
‘It was my pleasure to held our one day creativity program in our home in Monor on Saturday, 26 April 2014, from 10.00 to 18.00. It was a one day creativity program and at the same time sharing and talking together. I wanted to listen to the young women in order to understand their needs and struggles and to see what WFWP can offer them. They were asked to make one art work together using „collage” technique. They could experience team work. Learn to share responsibilities, listen to others and not over-emphasizing one’s own idea even if it seems great, but to consider the importance of working as a group. The participants were so enthusiastic and inspired and they really worked well and shared different tasks among each other. In this way they could even finish the work earlier than when they were supposed to. Their beautiful art work is offered to the Peace Embassy to decorate the hall. They are very happy about having programs in WFWP. They came up with different ideas for future programs and activities. We started to work with teenagers and young ladies in WFWP in order to support, protect and encourage them in finding their true identity as young women, so that they can feel safe to stand up for their rights and true values even in their young age. Through our program we could see their desire and needs to work in that direction. This gave us even more strength and determination to continue so.’