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Global Women’s Peace Network
21st Annual Women’s Leadership Conference

Women leading the Change:

towards Peacebuilding, Justice and Social Transformation


November 8th-10th, 2024
Venue: Regent Warsaw Hotel, Poland

You will be able to meet, listen and share with leaders from throughout Europe, and we invite you to participate with your knowledge, talents and experience in this important conference. 

Dear Friends


The Women’s Federation for World Peace, International (WFWPI) is an NGO working in over 120 nations to empower women and girls as peacebuilders and leaders through education, advocacy, partnership, reconciliation and humanitarian service- with an active presence at major UN Offices.


We are committed to advancing women's role in the 21st-century and engaging leadership that is principled, creative and effective in addressing challenges of our globalised community. 


Annual women’s leadership conferences have been held in prominent venues throughout Europe since 2001. These important events have given women leaders and young developing leaders the opportunity to share knowledge, tools and resources and strengthen solidarity. 


The forthcoming meeting is scheduled to be held in Warsaw from November 8-10. The city's motto, “Ever invincible”, reflects the resilience of its people who are committed to upholding values such as honesty, dignity, and strong family values. Poland, a country with a rich history and culture shaped by various influences, warmly invites all to "Fall in love with Warsaw."


In recent years, Poland has made significant progress in promoting women's rights and empowerment, both economically and politically. Leaders from across Europe will convene at this event to share and listen to ideas under the theme of "Women Leading the Change: Towards Peacebuilding, Justice, and Social Transformation."


We cordially invite you to participate with your knowledge, talents and experience in this important conference. 


Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. 


Very sincerely



Main sessions of the Programme

Complete programme tba.

Friday, November 8th

20:00- 22:00 Opening Banquet

Saturday, November 9th

8:45 - 10:45 Session I  The Role of Education in promoting Peace and Stability  in Society

a. From Conflict to Cooperation: Lessons in non-Violent Resolution

b. Steps towards ‘Peace starts with me’ and ‘the Bridge of Peace’

11:15 – 12:45 Session II The Role of Women of Faith in Conflict Prevention and Peace Building

17:00 - 18:30 Session III Empowering Communities: NGOs-led Relief Initiatives transforming Lives

19:30 21:45   Dinner and Cultural Evening

Sunday, November 10th

9:00-10:30 Session IV  Young Professionals: Women in STEM driving Positive Societal Change        

11:00- 12:00  Session V  Awards and Closing Session

13:00  Lunch and Departures


Note: The conferences will be in English language, there will be no translation.

Conference Fee:
Twin room: 320€ per person / Single room: 380€ per person

Conference fee includes: 

  • Full participation in conference program

  • Accommodation for 2 nights in a twin room or single room, including breakfast.

  • Full meals from dinner on Friday November 8th, until lunch on Sunday, November 10th. Please note that WFWP will not be providing meals before and after these times.

  • 3 Coffee breaks during the conference in the hotel.

For those arriving earlier or leaving later, the cost is 40€/person/night including breakfast in a twin room or 70€ for a single room.

IMPORTANT: Download full version of information to participants


Secure your participation in our Conference


The conference is fully booked

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