Jun 20, 2015
"Family and Good Governance: Beyond Gender Equalities"
WFWP and UPF - The video of session 2 of the European Leadership Conference at UNESCO Paris #conferences #un #france #familyvalues

May 13, 2015
WFWPI and the UN Commission on the Status of Women
Updated about a month ago WFWPI and the UN Commission on the Status of Women Report from the CSW59 Part Two - March 14, 2015 - UN HQ,...

May 11, 2015
The 'Little Angels' at the UN in Vienna
The 'Little Angels' at the UN in Vienna on 11th May 2015, with WFWP founder, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon. UPF, ACUNS, WFWPI , and others hosted...

Mar 9, 2015
Conference in Vienna Investing in Girls’ Education: Best Road to Development
The invitation and programme to a conference in Vienna UN, 23 March 2015 under the theme: Investing in Girls’ Education: Best Road to...

Dec 18, 2014
Autumn 2014 WFWPI UN Newsletter
Click to see the whole newsletter #un #international #newsletter

Nov 8, 2014
European Parliament, Brussels. UN Convention on the rights of the child
#un #brussels #conferences #familyvalues #globalpeacenetwork

Sep 27, 2014
WFWP Portugal, Day of Peace Seminar, Odivelas, 21 Sept 2014
WFWP Portugal in partnership with the City Council and UPF held a Seminar to celebrate International Peace Day 2014. The event took...

Sep 27, 2014
“Preventing the Sexualization of Children” UN Conference Geneva
The third event on the issue ‘Protection of the Family’, co-sponsored by WFWPI, took place in the UN in Geneva on the 16th September. The...

Sep 27, 2014
Invitation and program to the upcoming WFWPI Vienna UN Forum on Education Oct 2014
The invitation and program to the upcoming WFWPI Vienna UN Forum on Education, this October 2014:'Education in the 21st Century - Towards...

Sep 27, 2014
WFWP France, UN Int'l Day of Peace, Paris/France
On September 20 in Paris, at the Catholic center « Maison de La Salle », the French chapters of the Universal Peace Federation (UPF) and...

Sep 27, 2014
WFWP Netherlands UN Int. Day of Peace 2014
Please see this report by WFWP Netherlands about Peace Day 2014: The 20th of September 3 Members of WFWP NL joined the event organized...

Sep 27, 2014
WFW Malta - UN Day of Peace
Courtesy Visit to the Catholic Archbishop of Malta His Exc. Mgr. Paul Cremona, OP: Wednesday 24th September, 2014 was a truly...