
Nov 14, 2015
Our prayers are with those effected by the attacks in Paris
Our thoughts, love and prayers are with all those effected by the attacks in Paris as well as all around the world. We pray for the...

Sep 19, 2014
WFWP South London/UK Women of Faith - Testimony evening
More than ten women gathered together to listen and share their testimonies and experiences of their life. This meeting helped to know...

Jul 24, 2014
WFWP London/UK, Sommer Gathering, 5 July 2014
UPF/WFWP Summer Gathering Report 5th July, Peace Embassy, Thornton Heath By Colin Gardiner Some 70 people, representing a vibrant...

Jul 24, 2014
WFWP Austria/Russia,Angels of Peace, Part 2, June 14
WFWP Austria/Russia,Angels of Peace, Part 2, June 14 An overall report about the recent ‘Angels of Peace’ Tour in Austria, the Russian...

Jul 24, 2014
‘Stuttgart Year of the Psalm 2014’
A report by WFWP Stuttgart/Germany: The Women’s Federation for Peace, Stuttgart held its monthly ‘Thursday meeting’ in the UPF premises...
Jul 24, 2014
"The New Italian Born abroad: equal but different" WFWP Italy participated at this conference at the Seven Days Adventist Church...

Jul 24, 2014
Monthly Coffee Morning
WFWP Scotland/UK sent us these two reports about their recent coffee mornings in May and June, by Keiko Fraser-Harris: "Monthly Coffee...

Jul 7, 2014
WFWP Russia/Austria,Angels of Peace Reconciliation Dance
#austria #cultural #bridgeofpeace #reports

Jul 7, 2014
WFWP Hungary, 3-Day-Program for Teenagers
WFWP Hungary held this colourful 3-day program for teenagers, from 22-24 June 2014, in Monor, Hungary: "Combined with United Nations...

Jul 7, 2014
WFWP Italy, Bring Back Our Girls, March in Rome
WFWP Italy supported the Nigerian community in this march to ask for the immediate release of the abducted Nigerian girls. It was...

Jul 7, 2014
WFWP Bergamo/Italy, Body Language Course Part 2
WFWP Bergamo/Italy held this follow up course sequence under the theme “The Body Language”. The course took place over a period of 4...

Jun 30, 2014
WFWP London, UK, Women's Original Value
A report and reflection from WFWP London, UK, about their interesting mother-daughter study series, in Lancaster Gate, London, between...