
Jun 19, 2015
WFWP Hungary, Non-Violent Communication, Budapest
WFWP Hungary held our Afternoon Club about „Nonviolent Communication” (NVC) on 5 December, 2014. We started with a short introduction on...

Jun 10, 2015
WFWP Ireland,SFP Interfaith Gathering at Synagogue,Dublin 10 June.
WFWP Ireland supported the Sisters of Faith for Peace (SFP) visiting the Jewish Orthodox Congregation in Dublin on 10 June 2015. It was...

Jun 9, 2015
WFWP Youth Europe, Young Women's Newsletter - Spring 2015. #youth #latestnews

Jun 6, 2015
WFWP Spain, Friendship Breakfast, Madrid/Spain,
On the 6th of June of 2015, a large group of women gathered for a breakfast at our headquarters to celebrate our friendship and the work...

Jun 1, 2015
WFWP Tirana/Albania,Children’s Day with Orphaned Children,Tirana
"On the occasion of International Children’s Day on June 1st, 2015, WFWP Tirana/Albania participated in two events in support of both...

Jun 1, 2015
WFWP Ireland,GWPN Initiative with Irish First Lady, 19 March 2015
Updated about 3 months ago WPWP Ireland co-sponsored the launch event of the Sisters of Faith for Peace (SFP). This initiative was...

May 31, 2015
WFWP Malta visit to St Vincent De Paul Residential Home for the Elderly
We received this lovely report from WFWP Malta about their activity on Christmas Eve 2014: Visit to St Vincent De Paul Residential Home...

May 31, 2015
WFWP Bergamo/Italy Annual General Meeting
WFWP Bergamo/Italy held their Annual General Meeting on 18 April, 2015, reviewing their activities and reaching new resolves. The meeting...

May 30, 2015
WFWP Czech Republic in the Pilgrimage of Reconciliation
WFWP Czech Republic is announcing its participation in the Pilgrimage of Reconciliation which will take place this Saturday 30 May 2015...

May 29, 2015
WFWP Spain, Charity Concert for Nepal, Madrid
"The Women’s Federation for World Peace Spain and the Universal Peace Federation Spain joined efforts in order to organize a charity...

May 25, 2015
WFWP Watford/UK,Fundraiser for Nepal Quake Victims,Watford 25 May 2015
Watford Celebration, Tenth Anniversary, Raising Funds for the Victims of Nepalese Earthquake: "Watford Celebration had its tenth...

May 15, 2015
WFWP Albania, UN Int’l Day of Families, Tirana/Albania,15 May 2015
WFWP Albania, UN Int’l Day of Families, Tirana/Albania, 15 May 2015 WFWP Albania sent us this report about the Family Day commemoration...