
Nov 22, 2015
WFWP-Spain round conference: “The Cornerstones for Peace”.
On Friday 16th, 2015 WFWP-Spain held the first round table of a cycle of conferences under the theme “The Cornerstones for Peace”. The...

Nov 22, 2015
WFWP Austria event
Report about the WFWP Austria event on October 3rd 2015 in Linz, Austria: 'Mrs. Maria Ackwonu-Hirnschall gave a pictorial feature about...

Nov 22, 2015
WFWP Norway international evening
WFWP Norway held an international evening with the intention of both building an empathetic understanding to the refugee situation as...

Nov 22, 2015
WFWP Ireland supported event of the Sisters of Faith for Peace
WFWP Ireland supported the most recent event of the Sisters of Faith for Peace (SFP) which had the privilege of being hosted by Christ...

Nov 22, 2015
WFWP Austria event in aid of children
WFWP Austria are announcing this event in aid of children with club feet in Mali/West Africa, taking place in Vienna, Austria on 25 Nov...

Nov 22, 2015
WFWP Scotland coffee morning
On Tuesday 27th October, WFWP Scotland/UK restarted the monthly coffee morning after 3 months’ summer break. We invited Mumtaz Unis, the...

Nov 22, 2015
WFWP Scotland: “Love culture, Hate racism”
WFWP Scotland/UK participated in this year’s “Love culture, Hate racism” event which was organised by MWAE (Muslim Women’s Association in...

Nov 22, 2015
WFWP Italy “Family Festival”
On the 21st June 2015, at the Ambassadors for Peace’s site in Rome, a “Family Festival” was held in collaboration between WFWP and FFPWU....

Nov 22, 2015
WFWP Italy ‘Building Peace: from Peace within yourself to World Peace’
On 12 October 2015, WFWP Italy and UPF Italy held a meeting entitled: ‘Building Peace: from Peace within yourself to World Peace’. It...

Nov 22, 2015
FWP Spain Roundtable event; Children’s Education to prevent Violence
For our Spanish speaking friends - WFWP Spain invites to their next Roundtable event under the theme ‘Children’s Education to prevent...

Nov 20, 2015
WFWP Scotland, “Love culture, Hate racism”
WFWP Scotland/UK participated in this year’s “Love culture, Hate racism” event which was organised by MWAE (Muslim Women’s Association in...

Nov 20, 2015
WFWP Italy, Fundraiser for Nepal
On the 21st June 2015, at the Ambassadors for Peace’s site in Rome, a “Family Festival” was held in collaboration between WFWP and FFPWU....