
Jun 19, 2015
WFWP Hungary, Non-Violent Communication, Budapest
WFWP Hungary held our Afternoon Club about „Nonviolent Communication” (NVC) on 5 December, 2014. We started with a short introduction on...

Jul 7, 2014
WFWP Hungary, 3-Day-Program for Teenagers
WFWP Hungary held this colourful 3-day program for teenagers, from 22-24 June 2014, in Monor, Hungary: "Combined with United Nations...

May 26, 2014
WFWP Hungary, 'Femininity, Divinity, Creativity',Hungay
Parisa Nagy, President of WFWP Hungary, sent us this report about their recent workshop under the theme ‘Femininity, Divinity,...

May 10, 2014
WFWP Hungary, 'Man Woman Relationships' Day of Family
On the occasion of UN International Day of Families, WFWP Hungary held a workshop about "Man and Woman Relationship as a basis for a...

May 3, 2014
WFWP Hungary planning meeting
Parisa Nagy gave us this report about the gathering of the Hungarian ladies 'On 5th of April 2014 we had a very interactive and...