
Sep 12, 2014
WFWP Austria/Russia, 'Angels of Peace' Tour
A musical Bridge of Peace commemorating World War 1 between Austria and Russia took place in 4 Austrian cities and one village from 22 to...

Jul 7, 2014
WFWP Russia/Austria,Angels of Peace Reconciliation Dance
#austria #cultural #bridgeofpeace #reports

May 26, 2014
WFWP Birmingham/UK, "5 Broken Cameras." A film about life in a Palestinian village.
"5 Broken Cameras." A film about life in a Palestinian village. Women's Peace Meeting held in Birmingham, UK: Almost 100 women, in a...

May 26, 2014
WFWP Austria and Russia: ‘Bridge of Peace’
WFWP Austria have invited the Russian children's dancing group ‘Angels of Peace’ for a centenary commemoration tour through 5 cities. ...

Mar 8, 2014
Young Women Form the Future
Bringing together women of different cultures and ages to celebrate being women and look together towards the future, in honor of...