
Nov 22, 2015
WFWP Austria event
Report about the WFWP Austria event on October 3rd 2015 in Linz, Austria: 'Mrs. Maria Ackwonu-Hirnschall gave a pictorial feature about...

Nov 22, 2015
WFWP Austria event in aid of children
WFWP Austria are announcing this event in aid of children with club feet in Mali/West Africa, taking place in Vienna, Austria on 25 Nov...

Jul 11, 2015
WFWP Linz, Austria, ‘Loving Mother Earth'
WFWP Linz, Austria, ‘Loving Mother Earth, Linz, 27 June 2015: “At the beginning of the event a documentary titled: "For the next 7...

Jun 1, 2015
Best of Little Angels from Korea — with Memet Zeki Metin and 3 others at Austria Center.
#TheBestof Little Angels concert from Korea: Peace Ambassadors dancing and singing for #Peace in the World. Truly impressive!...

May 11, 2015
The 'Little Angels' at the UN in Vienna
The 'Little Angels' at the UN in Vienna on 11th May 2015, with WFWP founder, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon. UPF, ACUNS, WFWPI , and others hosted...
May 11, 2015
Theologian Dr Ursula King introduces and commends WFWP founder, Dr Hak Ja Han Moon
Former Foreign Minister of Austria and famous Theologian Dr Ursula King introduces and commends WFWP founder, Dr Hak Ja Han Moon, for her...

May 2, 2015
WFWP Austria art exhibition
WFWP Austria invites to this art viewing under the theme ‘The Dignity of Women - The Dignity of Humanity’. This exhibition is being...

Apr 18, 2015
WFWP Linz-Upper-Austria Report
Mrs. Jorun Schölzl gave a presentation to introduce her homeland Norway including a PPT and many pictures of beautiful landscapes and...

Mar 9, 2015
WFWP Austria invites to this interesting workshop ‘Healing through Colours’, taking place on 11 Marc
‘Healing through Colours’, taking place on 11 March 2015 in Vienna - the flyer is in German #austria #health #latestnews

Jan 11, 2015
WFWP Austria with the Peace Ambassadors in support of 'I am Charlie'.
WFWP Austria held a meeting in Vienna to organise a UN Meeting with the Peace Ambassadors. During this occasion, they took this photo in...

Sep 12, 2014
WFWP Austria/Russia, 'Angels of Peace' Tour
A musical Bridge of Peace commemorating World War 1 between Austria and Russia took place in 4 Austrian cities and one village from 22 to...

Jul 24, 2014
WFWP Austria/Russia,Angels of Peace, Part 2, June 14
WFWP Austria/Russia,Angels of Peace, Part 2, June 14 An overall report about the recent ‘Angels of Peace’ Tour in Austria, the Russian...