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WFWP Europe is initiating events and projects to foster the ongoing weaving of an effective worldwide grassroots network of women dedicated to creating peace in the daily lives of our families, communities and larger world. The Bridge of Peace ceremonies, built on the pillars of Responsibility, Respect, Repentance and Commitment, continue to be an innovative and powerful contributor to this end.

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The physical and emotional pain of war, crime and bigotry is and has been, inflicted on so many throughout human history. The violence that results from intolerance and rage is demeaning and destructive to both victim and perpetrator. Victims of their loved ones often become perpetrators as they exact revenge, only creating a vicious cycle of more conflict and resentment.

Through the ‘Bridge of Peace’ ceremony WFWP emphasises finding solutions by taking responsibility for ourselves and making sincere effort to care for one another. By taking this approach to conflict resolution, we draw out the best in one another, enabling and strengthening each person in remarkable ways.

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